Grammar Made Simple

A man holding a German flag while learning the difference between 'wegen' and 'aufgrund' in German grammar.

What is the Difference Between ‘wegen’ and ‘aufgrund’ in German? 🤔🇩🇪

Hallo zusammen! 👋

Many of you have asked about the difference between wegen and aufgrund

This blog will help you understand how to use these two expressions correctly and know when to choose one over the other. 📚📝


Both wegen and aufgrund can mean because of in English, but they are used slightly differently in German.
  • Wegen is more commonly used in everyday speech and is usually followed by the genitive case.
    For example:
    Wegen des Regens bleiben wir zu Hause.
    (Because of the rain, we’re staying home.)
  • Aufgrund is also followed by the genitive case, but it’s a bit more formal and is often used in written German.
    For example:
    Aufgrund des schlechten Wetters bleibt der Park geschlossen.
    (Due to the bad weather, the park is closed.)
So, while both wegen and aufgrund mean because of, aufgrund tends to be used in more formal contexts.


To differentiate between wegen and aufgrund:
  • Use wegen for everyday speech; it is followed by the genitive case.
  • Use aufgrund in more formal contexts; it is also followed by the genitive case.

Extra Examples:

Here are some extra examples to help you practice:
  • Wegen der Krankheit musste er absagen.
    (Because of the illness, he had to cancel.)
  • Aufgrund des Sturms wurde das Spiel verschoben.
    (Due to the storm, the game was postponed.)
  • Wegen der neuen Regelung gibt es Änderungen.
    (Because of the new regulation, there are changes.)

To reinforce what you’ve just read, check out our engaging video below! 🎥👇

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