Grammar Made Simple

A woman with a thoughtful expression learning the usage of 'dass' in German

How to Use ‘dass’ in German? 🤔🇩🇪

Hallo zusammen! 👋
We always get questions from learners confused about how to use the word dass in German sentences.
This blog will help you understand how to use dass correctly to form subordinate clauses. 📚📝


Using dass for Facts: to Introduce Subordinate Clauses:

The word dass is similar to the word that in English.
For example, to say I hope that you come in German, we say Ich hoffe, dass du kommst.
What you need to know is that the word dass introduces a subordinate clause. In this case, dass du kommst is the subordinate clause.
Also, the conjunction dass pushes the verb to the end of the subordinate clause. The verb kommen is placed at the end of the subordinate clause dass du kommst.
In general, we use dass to convey a more complex idea by combining two clauses.


To better understand this concept, let’s take another example:
The sentence I believe that it’s true becomes Ich glaube, dass es wahr ist in German.
As you may have noticed, dass introduced the subordinate clause dass es wahr ist, pushed the verb sein to the end of the clause, and conveyed a more complex idea by combining Ich glaube with dass es wahr ist.


To use dass in German sentences:
  • Use dass to introduce a subordinate clause. 📝
  • Remember that dass pushes the verb to the end of the subordinate clause. 🔄

Extra Examples:

Here are some extra examples to help you practice:
  • Ich weiß, dass du müde bist. (I know that you are tired.) 😴
  • Er sagt, dass er kommen wird. (He says that he will come.) 🚶‍♂️
  • Wir hoffen, dass ihr Spaß habt. (We hope that you have fun.) 🎉

To reinforce what you’ve just read, check out our engaging video below! 🎥👇

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